Millionaire David Deicke's tips on how to stay humble with success.

How to stay humble and stick to your roots with success

As an entrepreneur who has navigated the winding roads of the smash repair industry and dabbled in the exhilarating world of supercars, I’ve been acquainted with the dual faces of success and humility. “How to Stay Humble and Stick to Your Roots with Success” is not just a reflection but a lived experience that I wish to share, drawing from the essence of my journey. It’s about maintaining the delicate balance between celebrating achievements and keeping grounded, a principle that has guided me through the highs and lows of my entrepreneurial venture.

The Foundation of Humility

Humility, in its essence, is recognizing that no matter the heights we reach, there’s always more to learn, more to achieve, and infinite ways to grow. It’s the understanding that our successes are not just the fruits of our labor but the culmination of support from those around us, the opportunities we’ve been given, and the challenges that have forged our resilience. This realization keeps us grounded, ensuring that our successes do not eclipse our vision or our values.

Remembering the Starting Line

Every entrepreneur’s journey begins with a dream, a vision that is both personal and profound. For me, it was the desire to revolutionize the smash repair industry, to bring a level of service and excellence that was previously unseen. This vision was rooted in my humble beginnings, where passion outweighed resources, and determination was the currency of progress. As my venture grew, so did the temptation to move away from these roots. Yet, it was the memory of these early days—the challenges faced and the milestones achieved—that reminded me to stay humble. Remembering the starting line is crucial; it keeps you connected to the essence of your journey, ensuring that success amplifies your values rather than overshadowing them.

Valuing Relationships Over Achievements

In the race to success, it’s easy to become fixated on achievements, accolades, and the outward markers of success. However, true humility lies in valuing relationships over achievements. It’s about recognizing the role of your team, mentors, family, and even competitors in your journey. These relationships are the bedrock of your success, providing support, insight, and motivation. In my experience, celebrating these relationships, acknowledging the contributions of others, and giving back to the community have been integral to maintaining humility. It’s a reminder that success is not a solo journey but a shared voyage.

Embracing Continuous Learning

The moment we believe we have nothing left to learn is the moment we veer away from humility. No matter the level of success achieved, there’s always a new frontier to explore, a new challenge to tackle, and a new lesson to learn. Embracing continuous learning keeps us humble, opening our minds to new possibilities and perspectives. For me, diving into the world of supercars, understanding the nuances of luxury automotive care, and exploring sustainable business practices were avenues of learning that not only expanded my business but also my personal growth.

Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude is the compass that guides us back to our roots, reminding us of our journey and the many hands that have helped us along the way. Practicing gratitude, whether through personal reflection, public acknowledgment, or giving back, reinforces humility. It shifts the focus from what we have achieved to what we have been given, fostering a sense of humility that transcends professional success. In my journey, expressing gratitude to my team, my mentors, and the community has been a cornerstone of staying grounded.


Staying humble and sticking to your roots amidst success is a conscious choice, a daily practice that shapes not only your professional journey but your personal character. It’s about remembering where you started, valuing the people who have been part of your journey, embracing the endless possibilities for learning, and practicing gratitude for every step of the way. As I reflect on my own journey, from the humble beginnings of a smash repair shop to the exhilarating challenges of the supercar industry, I am reminded that humility is not just a virtue but a guiding principle. It is the anchor that keeps us grounded, ensuring that as we reach for the stars, our feet remain firmly planted on the ground, connected to our roots, and true to our essence.